What is Shilajit Resin, How Shilajit Resin Works?


30 – 45 Grams of Natural Premium Quality Shilajit in its Genuine Purified Resin Form.


  1. What is Shilajit Resin?
  2. Shilajit Benefits
  3. How To Use Shilajit Resin
  4. Fulvic Acid, Humic Acid and Shilajit

Mineral supplements can aid different electrical and chemical processes that occur within our bodies.  If you have not heard about shilajit resin, it is time for you to learn about it today. There are several reasons why this ancient herbal remedy is highly regarded for its health benefits and uses.

How Shilajit Resin Works

The minerals found in the shilajit resin are in ionic form, which is why the body can absorb them quickly. They will also be transported to the specific areas where the body needs them so that the cells can grow and maintain their health.

When Can You Feel the Effects?

Many people who are planning to consume any supplement want to know how long the product will take to work for them. In the case of shilajit resins, several consumers report feeling that their energies and stamina have improved in just a matter of ten days.

Be sure to keep taking the resin for maximum benefits. Follow the instructions carefully, but usually, you need one to three portions of the resin every day for about six weeks.


What is Shilajit Resin?

This resin is discharged from rock layers of several different mountain ranges from around the world, including Tibetan, Altai, and Himalayan mountains. The brownish-black tar-like substance may not be so famous for its appearance, but it is recognized in many areas because of the healthy minerals it contains.

It is also referred to as mummiyo, moomiyo, and mumie but it is widely known as shilajit, especially in foreign countries. It is available in dietary supplements, which are nutrient-dense. In India, it is popular as a Rasayana throughout its history. This Sanskrit term entails herbs and substances that have the ability to enhance our health.

The organic material from which the resin is derived consisted of decomposed plants and animals. They were pressed between the rock layers for several thousands of years. Each spring and summer seasons, the material would seep out from the rocks between mountain ranges and is collected.

After getting rid of impurities, a brown-hued paste that has a glossy surface is the result of the process. It stays soft when it is exposed to low heat. You can dissolve a pinch of the tar or powder in water, and you can use it as an addition to health tonics.

In central Asia, the material has long been a part of Ayurvedic medicine and is built on the goal of maintaining the balance of the body to stay healthy. The concept is to keep the body balanced through three “doshas” (Vata, Kapha, and Pitta) in which this herbal remedy has been regulated. For the best effect, Shilajit can be combined with sesame oil (Vata), honey (Kapha), and ghee (Pitta).

Shilajit is effective for so many reasons, but one of the most significant contributors is its fulvic acid content, which is useful in keeping the skin look young and beautiful. It also has several other benefits that you can get if you add shilajit resin to your supplements.

You might have already heard about Shilajit Resin from various sources, yet you might not know what it is, the health benefits that it has, or what it is often used for. Well, to put things into perspective, we’ll begin with a brief history of the substance, and then proceed to its current uses.

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Shilajit Resin Benefits

Shilajit is prized not only in India and those who follow Ayurveda but also the rest of the world. Its many benefits speak for itself in which it is considered an herbal remedy or an adaptogen that comes with natural elements to nourish numerous parts of the body.

If you need treatment for a specific problem, you will undoubtedly benefit from this resin just like you would if you just need help for your body to function better. This natural tar has plenty of benefits, which is why it should be in your medicine cabinet starting today. Here are the top reasons why you should add this to your list of supplements:

Shilajit resin can help your testosterone levels in the most natural way.

The use of shilajit resin will make you forget Viagra. It is a better solution for men who require help with their fertility problems. According to studies, sperm counts in men who use shilajit twice every day increased more than 60 percent within nine days of taking the supplement diligently.

Aside from the higher sperm count, men who participated in the study also experienced an increase in their testosterone levels with libido improving within the mentioned period. For this reason, the supplement is dubbed as the Indian Viagra in some countries. In Ayurvedic medicine, it has long been used to enhance the sex drive of an individual, especially those who have impotence and fertility issues.

It is useful in improving your performance on several different tasks.

Research has shown that the shilajit resin affects the body at a cellular level. It can successfully improve the production of energy in the cells’ mitochondria. If your cells are well-nourished, you are more alert, and you can recover faster if you have injuries. Plus, you have better endurance, which can help you finish tasks quicker and more effectively.

Taking the supplement daily will immediately boost your energy levels. You will see the difference within just a few weeks of use.

It can protect the heart against diseases.

You only have one heart, and it makes sense that you take care of it, which should be one of your top priorities. Shilajit showed its potency in several studies that it has the ability to protect the heart against damage that can last for a long time.

Its best effect is regulating the heart rate and the blood sugar levels in the body. With such impact, it helps with the regeneration process of the pancreatic cells, which lead to healthy levels of glucose. It, therefore, keeps your heart healthy, while keeping your glucose levels in check, so you avoid diabetes as well.

There are also studies that support this powerful herb to be a treatment for anemia because of its high iron content.

Shilajit protects your brain, so your memory is intact.

The supplement works for the brain with its small molecules known as dibenzo-alpha-pyrones, which stop the breakdown of brain chemicals that form our memories. Studies also show that fulvic acid can aid in preventing Alzheimer’s disease.

Shilajit resin helps defy aging.

Shilajit not only boosts mental activities and physical health but also keeps you looking young for a longer time. It has antioxidants that can assist in preventing cellular damage, which is considered the leading cause of skin and heart aging.

This natural remedy can keep calcium in your bones as well with more than 85 minerals per serving. Therefore, it will be easy for you to remain physically active for several years more.

Aside from the benefits mentioned above, you can also use shilajit resin for the following health gains:

  1. The supplement can help reduce symptoms of traumatic brain injuries, such as intracranial pressure and brain edemas.
  2. Shilajit can also be used to delay Alzheimer’s and can help the brain avoid the signs of deterioration.
  3. It targets reproductive hormones to increase ovulation frequency in women.
  4. It can help reduce pain in the jaws, mouth, and face as it interacts with the brain. It also works well with morphine, while preventing tolerance for the drug. This way, you will not need high amounts of morphine just for it to be effective.
  5. It fights off inflammation to effectively ward off viruses, illnesses, and flu.

How To Use Shilajit

shilajit resinWith the benefits mentioned above, you may want to start using shilajit already. It comes in a few forms, including powder, resin, and supplements. Here is an overview of how you can use each:

Shilajit in Powder Form

Powdered shilajit is quite common and usually easy to find. The product is often diluted with other powders, and it is a cheap alternative to supplements and resin, but it is also weaker than the other two. Usually, you will see that the product has extra fulvic acid, so you can see how nutritious it can be for the body.

Note that not all powdered shilajit is the same with some brands containing less than 10% of the actual active ingredients. However, if you have a high-quality product, it is affordable and beneficial for you. To use, dissolve a pea-sized portion of the powder in hot tea, milk, or plain water and drink it three times daily.

Traditionally, it was added to warm milk and honey to lessen the bitterness. It is also possible to dissolve it under your tongue, but not everyone can tolerate the taste.

In Resin Form

In its pure form, you will see thick, tar-like goo. It should be minimally processed so that you can get the most potent form of this herbal remedy. It can be brownish to black but the darker the resin, the more valuable it is, especially the midnight-black one.

The shilajit resin is highly potent and possesses powerful medicinal benefits. It is challenging to source, which is why you should only pick the one you can trust. For some people, it is difficult to eat because it is a sticky substance. However, it is also the most natural form and offers better contents than both powders and supplements.

To take, use the back end of a spoon and dip it into the resin. Take about a pea-size amount and eat it. If it does not tickle your taste buds, you can add it to other foods. The recommended dose is normally less than 100 mg or 300 to 500 mg for maximum benefits, and it should be taken first thing in the morning.

Fulvic Acid, Humic Acid and Shilajit

Shilajit is a known ancient remedy that contains about 50 to 60 percent of fulvic acid, which is a type of humic acid. This particular acid has several benefits for the brain and the body. Over the past decades, many of us have learned about the real advantages of humic substances found in the soil, such as fulvic acid to actually improve our health.

Fulvic acid is mostly used to enhance gut health in humans. Science has shown us that our immunity is significantly improved if our gut is in its optimal health. Therefore, we can fight several types of diseases, from fevers and flu to diabetes, heart ailments, and cancers.

Several years back, people could obtain high levels of humic acid from the soil. However, these days, it is much simpler for the consumers because they can turn the food-grade products to boost their intake of nutrients and also improve their gut health.

Fulvic acid is a natural product of nature and is derived from microbial metabolism processes. What this denotes is that the substance is formed when an organic plant matter enters its decomposition state. As a result, millions of beneficial bacteria that can be processed by the body are released.

Shilajit has plenty of minerals and is packed with trace elements as well. It is rich in antioxidants, metabolites, and other essential nutrients from various plant sources. Ashless humic acid is one of the active ingredients of shilajit, and it carries the molecule dibenzo-alpha-pyrones, which is considered to be among the most potent substances on earth.

The vast amount of fulvic acids in shilajit can provide the body with several benefits, including:

  1. Transporting nutrients to tissues that will successfully use them
  2. Supports immunity
  3. Enhances bioavailability of minerals
  4. Scavenges free radicals

Aside from the most potent electrolyte that can aid in balancing our cells, shilajit also has humic acids that can be useful for achieving better sleep, decreasing appetite, increasing energy, and reducing stress. The humic acids from the mineral have also been proven to improve the deliverability of a drug used to prevent epilepsy.

Is Shilajit Safe?

Taking shilajit resin or other forms is entirely safe for the body, even if you consume it three times a day. The remedy has been used for several centuries in Ayurvedic medicine, and its proponents can guarantee its effectiveness.

However, even if the resin is safe for everyone, you should still use it with caution if you are pregnant or lactating. The same goes if you are under a doctor’s care for a specific health condition. Be sure that you talk to a physician first before you take shilajit.

It should also be stressed that authentic shilajit comes with a minimal amount of phenylalanine, which is an essential amino acid. It is safe for most people, but it is not advisable for people who have the genetic disorder phenylketonuria or PKU.

When taking shilajit resin, it is not advised to mix it with chlorinated water. Since it contains fulvic and humic acids, they should not be combined with chlorine; otherwise, it can create dangerous byproducts that can negatively impact the body and overall health. Beware of commercially available extracts and powders of shilajit that have been processed with chlorinated water.

3 thoughts on “What is Shilajit Resin, How Shilajit Resin Works?”

  1. Sandra Tibbetts


    Can you tell me the difference between the Shilajit Resin and your new product Liquid Shilajit drops? Is it the same product but packaged differently?
    Thank you.


    1. Shilajit-Resin.Com

      We have been selling shilajit since 2004 and for the first time this year we ourselves encountered this form of shilajit. Apparently it is just diluted shilajit in water, which is sold at a high price.
      We recommend buying shilajit in resin form.

      Best regards

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