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How to use Shilajit

Here is an instruction on how to use Shilajit:

All you will need is to take a small portion that is about the size of a rice grain.

It’s simple!

  1. Take a rice to pea sized portion (300-500 Mg). Take one portion a day, and after the second day, increase your dosage by taking the same portion up to three times a day.
  2. Dissolve it in hot water, warm milk or tea (it takes around 2-4 minutes).  You can mix the supplement with  raw honey. 
  3. Drink it on an empty stomach every morning and before other meals as well if you feel the need.

You will be surprised at how easily it dissolves in warm water or other liquid but remember that it should never be mixed with chlorinated water.

How to use Shilajit – more ways:

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In order to maximize absorption, the best time for using Shilajit is on an empty stomach, that is in the morning after you wake up (before breakfast).

First timers will feel a bit uneasy after taking their first dosage of Shilajit Resin. The use of Shilajit for these people should be gradual in dosage. If you are a day worker, it would be best for you to take the supplement in the daytime rather than in the nighttime in order to avoid trouble sleeping. Remember: this supplement does not only help to keep your mind alert but also gives you lots of energy.

The proper treatment with Shilajit should also include eating a healthy diet and exercising. Once you do this, the effect is much, much better than just after taking the supplement without even making an effort to move your body around. You will most probably need 2-3 days after the first intake to really feel changes that you desire so much for your body. These improvements are an indication that your body is benefiting from the treatment and that you are taking the dosage that is suitable for you.

The use of Shilajit is a personal decision. Everyone who wants to try the product for a well-being reason, should know how to use it. One should take precautionary actions by talking to an Ayurvedic practitioner to be well informed of the benefits from the use of Shilajit. This advice applies especially to pregnant and breastfeeding women.

The best time to take Shilajit is on an empty stomach, that is after you wake up before breakfast. In this way, you will achieve maximum absorption of Shilajit in your body.

Journal Keeping

At the initial stage of your treatment course record all your actions into a journal, in particular the dosage you have taken, the intake time, and the kind of liquid substance you have mixed Shilajit with. Keeping a journal will help you to develop your own treatment plan so that to make the most of this supplement.

Many customers who now know how to use Shilajit have left positive responses in their testimonials posted on our Facebook page. They loved what they felt and they were really saw health improvements a few weeks after starting the treatment.

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