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Boost Immune System Pure Shilajit


There are several varieties of natural medicines serving different health purposes in our contemporary society, amongst all Pure Shilajit is known to be one of the most effective remedies for Immune System. It is interesting to note that natural Shilajit has the same immune-modulatoring effect as the modern expensive drugs, hence it is used as immune booster.

Recipes with Pure Shilajit Resin for Immune System

The recipes with Pure Shilajit Resin for improvement of Immune System are listed according to their types:


Ever morning, on an empty stomach, dissolve 200 milligrams of Shilajit in a tablespoon of water and drink. Then do not eat for an hour. Make a five-day break after 10 days of the treatment. The course should be repeated, but take the Shilajit not only in the morning with water, but also in the evening. Take 20 milligrams of Shilajit with a tablespoon of honey in the evening. After the course of 10 days, make a pause for 5 days again, and then start taking Shilajit according to the first chart.

Slight decrease of Immune System

Dilute 5 grams of the Shilajit until you get a pasty substance, then mix it with a half-liter jar of honey and knead thoroughly. Store this substance in the fridge and take a tablespoon of it three times a day. Children may be treated with this recipe as well, but if the child is small, he/she should take only a teaspoon or even a half of a teaspoon of the medicine.

Serious decline in Immune System

In a glass of hot (not boiling) water, stir one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of pomegranate or plum juice. 200 milligrams of Shilajit is dissolved in this solution.100 milligrams of slightly warmed, home-made wine and 1 tablespoon of finely ground roots of orchids are also added to the mixture. Shake well. Your medicine is ready. Drink half of a cup, twice a day.

Autoimmune pathologies (allergy)

Drink 200 milligrams of the Shilajit, dissolved in a glass of water, in the morning, on an empty stomach. You may make a break after 10 or 20 days of the treatment. You may make no break at all, but in this case you should take Pure Shilajit for a long period.

Avitaminosis and depressed immune function

Squeeze the juice of three lemons, add 100 ml of finely pounded aloe older than 3 years, and then dissolve 05 grams of Shilajit Resin in it. The medicine is usually in a slimy form at day one. Drink a tablespoon three times a day.

During epidemics

If there is a seasonal flu epidemic in your area, you can protect yourself from possible infection. Dissolve 0.1 gram of the Shilajit in 60 ml of boiled water and drink a tablespoon three times a day.

For stimulation of immune function of the elderly people

Dissolve the Pure Shilajit in water, until the mixture gets the tea-like color. 50 milligrams of the mixture should be taken 2-3 times a day. Elderly people should use the Shilajit with caution. If side effects or adverse signs are noticed, the treatment should be stopped.

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Immune System is simply referred to as the body’s ability to resist the impact of  infection or foreign organisms and substances, which maybe capable of  causing a disease. Factually, this protective ability of the body sometimes decrease or increase according to one’s health status. When it decreases, the person or patient has to drink immune modulators  (substances that increases Immune System to the normal level).

There are several factors that result to low Immune System, some of which includes serious diseases, poisoning, dirty environment, poor nutrition, bad habits, regular stress, untreated avitaminosis etc. At emergence of any of the factors listed above, a person should drink the Shilajit to enhance Immune System and prevent progressing of some ailment to be really serious disease.

The immune system is a complex one and cannot be reduced to the description of one organ.

The bone marrow, spleen, thymus gland (also called thymus), as well as multiple lymph nodes in the whole body form a kind of “security barrier”.

But the very immune system is divided into two based on functions:

  • a) cell-mediated Immune System, which produces T-lymphocytes protecting cells from virus invasion;
  • b) human immune system, which produces the B-lymphocytes causing “devouring” of phagocytic cells or cells recognized by the body as foreign.

Therefore, the correction of the immune system is aimed at normalizing the work of the whole body. And the weakened immune system can be recovered in this way only.

There are several clear signs to recognize a depression or decrease of the Immune System which are frequent colds and infectious diseases (SARS, acute respiratory infections, flu, etc.), the development of bronchitis, sinusitis, skin ulcers such as boils, as well as easily developed cystitis; any allergic reactions signifies a disturbance in the work of the immune; increased lymph nodes or spleen; autoimmune disease – scleroderma, thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, myasthenia gravis, toxic goiter, lupus, etc.

All the features above reduce the Immune System and should not be ignored. Since the ability of the immume system to recover by itself is a rare exception, the immune system needs help with external treatment.