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Using Shilajit to treat stretch marks

rast2Shilajit has been proven to increase tissue regeneration, so people from all around the world started using it in order to treat and get rid of stretch marks. This technique became very popular, as women who tried using the mineral for fixing this stated that they found results after just two applications which is great news!

  1. Before and After Photos
  2. How to Use Shilajit for Stretch Marks
  3. Buy Shilajit

To be able to use Shilajit to treat stretch marks, you will need to obtain it in resin form, which isn’t difficult. To make a good substance which can be applied, you will need to mix the resin with oil or water and then proceed to apply it onto your stretchmarks. The rejuvenation process of the resin will have a positive effect on the dermis and epidermis, thus making the marks go away.

While Shilajit isn’t the only solution for this issue, it is by far the healthiest one, as it doesn’t come with any side effects whatsoever and it’s a purely natural product.

A couple of other ways you can use Shilajit to treat stretch marks are:

  1. Mix one teaspoon of distilled water with 4-5 grams of Shilajit resin and then proceed to take 3oz of cellulite cream and add it to the mix. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator and use it 1-3 times per day for maximum results, by massaging the area for around 5 minutes. Using it before going to bed will provide the best results.
  2. Take 40ml of tonic cream and mix it with 3-5 grams of Shilajit. Massage the affected area for 5 minutes before bed.
  3. Mix rose oil with 2 grams of Shilajit and massage it on the affected area once per day before going to sleep.

Make sure to have patience, as it’ll take a while before results can be seen.

Before and After Photos




4 thoughts on “Using Shilajit to treat stretch marks”

  1. I’ve been using shilajit stretch mark treatment, and while it does not 100% remove the stretch marks, i do notice they are lighter…im going to keep using

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