Home » How to use Shilajit » Hydrating Chocolate Shilajit Face Mask

Hydrating Chocolate Shilajit Face Mask


In case you would like to keep your face hydrated at all times and make your skin look younger, while also removing wrinkles, you might want to try this Shilajit face mask out.


– 50 grams of chocolate
– 3 grams of Pure Shilajit
– 1 egg’s yolk

Take the chocolate and warm it up until it becomes liquid. Then, proceed to mix 1 tablespoon of liquid chocolate with the 3 grams of Shilajit and the egg yolk. Once this is done, proceed to spread the mask all over your neck and face, while also making sure that the temperature of the chocolate is comfortable. Keep this on for around 15 minutes and then rinse it with lukewarm water.

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