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Shilajit for Men Health

Shilajit Benefits for Men Health

Shilajit can be successfully used by both males and females. Let’s consider its beneficial effect on men’s health.

First and foremost, this substance owes its tremendous popularity among men to its ability to give more energy to their bodies than any vitamin supplement can provide. In addition, Shilajit boasts other properties beneficial for men’s health, including:

– improving heart condition and correspondingly preventing heart diseases;
– ensuring healthy brain development due to containing fulvic acid;
– enhancing men’s fertility by normalizing their testosterone levels and improving their sexual performance. For this reason, Shilajit is sometimes called “Indian Viagra.”

The above mentioned health benefits provided by Shilajit prove its importance for maintaining men’s well-being. The recipe is given below:

This recipe is to be taken orally i.e through the mouth and it is essentially Pure Shilajit mixed with carrot juice, Shilajit mixed with sea buckthorn juice and Shilajit mixed with blueberries, each of the juice is taken every 10 days:

  1. For the first days, 0.2 grams of Pure Shilajit mixed with carrot juice is taken twice a day.
  2. After which for the next 10 days, 0.4 grams of Pure Shilajit mixed with sea buckthorn juice is taken twice a day.
  3. 0.5 grams of Pure Shilajit is mixed with blueberry juice and taken three times a day for the next ten days.

A ten day break is advisable after the completion of the treatment course of which the treatment can be repeated two to three times.

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